Monday, February 26, 2007

Would a Rose Still Smell as Sweet...

Have you ever wondered on the amazing nature of God?

God Who revealed Himself to us in a way that requires us to take on a part of His nature every time we even just say His name?

When Moses came upon the burning bush, God told him His name is, "I Am."

We cannot say it without making it something personal, without taking some responsibility for it. The Jewish people of that day weren't even allowed to say this version of His name.

And those two simple words also make up the smallest, shortest sentence acceptable in the English language.

A subject and a verb.

A verb? Can God be a verb?

An action?

It takes so many parts of our brain to even begin to get the smallest iota of an idea of Who He is in this respect. Again, we cannot even say His name without taking it personally... and without giving motion to it.

Jesus walked in this revelation. That He could be one with God... and therefore answer the cries of the people. He simply had to say the name of God. When the people cried out, "Who is going to heal us?" Jesus said the name of God.

I Am.

"Who is going to save us?"

I Am.

Whether or not Jesus actually used those words, He made it clear that He knew it was His identity. And by making the sacrifice He did, He made it our identity as well. So that every time we see the suffering of others and we wonder who is going to save them...

...we can simply say the name of our God, the God we are one with.

I Am.

Who is going to be a benefit to them?

I Am.

Who is going to bring them hope?

I Am.

And we can rest in the peace and revelation that when we cry out to God and ask, "Who is going to make us a way where there is no way?"

He tells us His name.

I Am.


Anonymous said...

Could you write about a 10minute play on this subject? My teacher says thats about 15-20 pages of dialogue and is due on April 19th. Thanks. and love ya man.

Anonymous said...

Definitely lived up and even went beyond the hype!!