Saturday, February 24, 2007

Defining Moments

People really are beautiful.

Someone suggested to me that I should link to something I wrote a while back. It's an entry on my old blog, about an experience I had in Brazil.

It's one of the entries I'm more proud of, so I have no problem agreeing to the suggestion, and sending you there... now.

I recently heard someone refer to these instances in our lives as "defining moments".

Brazil was definitely one of those for me.

I've had some others too; from performing the morning stretches on a FedEx airport ramp, to playing bongos at a lesbian bar.

And they've all taught me the same thing:

If we've ever thought there was something more important than loving people...

...we were wrong.


Sharon said...

It's always a little tough for me to comment on your deep entries.
I just find myself nodding slowly, sometimes tearing...(slowly?), saying "yeah"

Anonymous said...

Well said. I believe I agree with both you and Sharon.
-The Brack